Grid Connect Solar Power Systems – commercial, residential and rural.

There are different types of grid connect solar power systems to choose from which all have pros and cons. We will discuss all the options available with you and can recommend the best system to suit your needs. The major incentive with these systems is that any excess power that you generate can be sold back to your electricity provider.


String Inverter Systems

String Inverter Systems have one solar inverter that converts the DC electricity to AC electricity that is produced by the solar panels. All panels are connected and only perform as well as the worst panel is performing in that string. A consumption meter can be added to this system to monitor the electricity being used at that site.


Power Optimiser Systems

Power Optimiser Systems have one solar inverter converting the DC electricity to AC electricity the same as string inverters, however a power optimiser is installed at the back of the panel making those panels perform independently of each other, which is beneficial for those with shading issues.

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Microinverter Systems

Microinverter Systems have an individual inverter on the back of each panel that converts DC electricity to AC electricity at the panel rather than at a central inverter. This makes all panels perform independently of each other so you can easily monitor panel performance for those with shading issues. It is easy to add more panels to these systems in the future.

Energy Storage Systems (Batteries)

A solar battery storage system works by storing energy produced by your solar panels. Any excess solar that is not being used in the home is normally exported back into the grid. With battery storage this excess electricity is used to charge the batteries and once full then all excess electricity is exported back into the grid. When your solar panels aren’t producing electricity e.g. during the night, the batteries will draw down the energy that was stored earlier so you don’t have to buy electricity back from the grid. You will only drawback from the grid once the batteries are depleted.

A battery system requires a hybrid inverter rather than a regular string inverter. There are lots of different battery inverters available which we can discuss with you if you are looking at an energy storage system.


1. Your inverter and solar panels convert sunlight to power.

2. The power can then be used by your household appliances.

3. Excess power can be stored in your home battery and used by your appliances when your solar panels aren’t generating enough for your needs. Available energy can also be used to power key appliances and lighting in the event of a power outage.

4. Energy you can’t store or use, can be sold back to the grid.

5.You can monitor and manage your energy use more efficiently through the portal and mobile app.